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Product Details

Gentlemen’s Blend | 50g

Gentlemen’s Blend | 50g

5,50 €Price

The tea masters designed many pastoral yet grandiose gardens in Japan. Their gentle approach connected man and nature, making gentlemen of us all. With that admiration to creation, Tigers have blended several bad boys like Assam, Earl Grey, Ceylon, Keemun and Lapsang Souchong to pinch us into awareness of this centred and centring taste. Thick, exotic, heroic, tarry, woody, leathery.


Sip, catch the rhythm, enter...

    • Free within Mallorca
    • The rest of Spain is €12.90
    • For international, please email for options
  • Your tea comes in 50g refill bags. For a more sustainable option please consider choosing one of our Canisters / Jars.

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